Mobilise your end users to act as your last line of cyber defence
Phishing is now the biggest attack vector and phishing emails without any harmful links or malware can often bypass security filters. A cyber criminal only has to catch one unsuspecting employee off-guard, just once, to initiate a breach. Enabling your users to present an effective last line of defence is paramount. Cyber security is everyone's job!
Cyber-Awareness Training and Testing is an essential element of your security posture, ensuring your employees know the most common threats and can identify them.
✔️ Harness your human firewall: fully-trained employees can help identify, report and even stop attacks
✔️ Calculate your Phish-Prone Score: track and monitor the susceptibility of your users to phishing attacks on an ongoing basis as new phishing topics and more sophisticated techniques evolve
✔️ Create a Positive Security Culture: promote healthy cyber-skepticism; incentivise and reward those who report suspicious activity; induct new staff to your cyber-awareness programme as soon as they join your organisation.
What do you get with our free Simulated Phishing Assessment (SPA)?
Our experienced Cyber Awareness Technical Testing team will consult with you to identify a sub-set of your users to be tested. We then help you select a suitable email template, designed to represent a medium level of threat sophistication, and tailor it to mimic the social-engineering tactics used by real cyber criminals. We always ensure that any information used to conduct the assessment is either publicly available or would otherwise be easily accessible by a malicious actor.
Once deployed, our specialised cyber-awareness testing platform tracks, records and timestamps the recipient users' actions in terms of their email opens, clicks and forwards.
Once completed, we provide you with a SPA Report detailing your users' interactions and the resulting phish-prone score for your organisation, along with industry-benchmarking so you can see how your results compare with other companies in your specific sector.
Tailored Test Email
A collaboratively-tailored and appropriately socially-engineered phishing email designed to specifically test your users
Detailed User Reporting
A full report with tables and graphs showing how your users responded to the simulated phishing test